Music Quote of the Day

"If you really think about it, everything in this world tries to be music." -- Eugene Hutz

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'll Be Seeing You - Mario Lanza

My grandmother is dying. She is 92. I got the call last night that her body is winding down and it won't be long now until she passes.

I grew up in a military family. So many times my dad would be stationed aboard a ship somewhere and we'd stay with my grandparents for months at a time until he once again had shore duty and we could be together. Grandma's house was home. We'd drink hot Red Zinger tea on cold afternoons, play in the vegetable garden on hot summer days, swing on the giant swing-set my grandpa made for us from lodge pole pines (they looked like telephone poles), and bake cookies and pastries wearing Grandma's frilly aprons. She taught me to schottish and fox trot in her living room. And she let me listen to all her old records in the basement. That's how I found Mario Lanza. Such a voice!

Grandma, I going to miss you when you move on. I love you.

I'll Be Seeing You by Mario Lanza from

Mario Lanza Institute page

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