Music Quote of the Day

"If you really think about it, everything in this world tries to be music." -- Eugene Hutz

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Incredible Sadness of Sonia - Juana Ghani

Yes, this is my band.  They are such an amazingly talented and wonderful bunch of people and I am so honored to be a part of them.  And this video is a big deal for us.  This is our first "real" video created especially around the story of one song.  I sure hope you like it. 

I hope to have a post on our Juana Ghani blog soon about "The Story Behind the Song" for this one.  Keep watching for it.

The Incredible Sadness of Sonia by Juana Ghani from the 2012 album "Shall We Live Forever"

Juana Ghani website

Juana Ghani on facebook

Juana Ghani on twitter

Friday, October 11, 2013

Strange Fruit - Zoe Devlin

London-based Zoe Devlin is one of my very favorite voices EVER!  I first fell in love with her voice back when she was singing with Alabama 3 (one of my favorite bands) as Devlin Love.  I think her version of Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit" will give you good reason why.  It is perfection.  She is, simply, amazing!  This song is not on any album - she has no solo albums as yet.  Prepare to get some goosebumps.  Then take a deep breath and go ahead and cry at the beauty of her voice.

Strange Fruit by Zoe Devlin

Zoe Devlin on facebook

Zoe Devlin on twitter

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Up To My Neck In A Hex - The Penny Black Remedy

Yes, it has been months, again, since I posted anything here.  I really do apologize.  Things have been so wonderfully busy for my own band, Juana Ghani, lately that I rarely have time to put together a blog post.  Forgive me?


This video by one of my very favorite bands, UK based The Penny Black Remedy, was just released to the public yesterday (and to those of us smart enough to be on their emailing list on Monday) and it is such a fun vid!  Being a superstitious person myself, I love that they chose this song off their new album (SUCH a great album!  Serious.  One of my favs!) "Inhale ... Exhale ... OK, Now You Can Panic!" to make a video.

Up To My Neck In A Hex by The Penny Black Remedy from the 2013 album "Inhale ... Exhale ... OK, Now You Can Panic!"

The Penny Black Remedy website

The Penny Black Remedy on facebook

The Penny Black Remedy on twitter

The Penny Black Remedy on myspace

Friday, July 12, 2013

You Don't Know Me - The Polyphonic Spree

And since it's been so long since I've shared anything that I'm listening to, here's another song for your day by another band that I'm very excited about coming to my town.  I'm hoping I can get out to see them, too.  The Polyphonic Spree is another band I've loved for years but have yet to see live.  I've got my fingers crossed!  (Not only are they amazing, but there aren't that many bands out there with more members than my own 11-piece wonder project - The Polyphonic Spree is now up to 22 members!)

You Don't Know Me by The Polyphonic Spree from the soon-to-be-released (August 6) 2013 album "Yes It's True"

The Polyphonic Spree website

The Polyphonic Spree on facebook

The Polyphonic spree on twitter

Beast - Nico Vega

Finally!  After years of trying to catch Nico Vega live, I'm going to be able to do so tomorrow night and I am so excited!  I've been a fan for years and every time they've come to my city, something has happened that preventing me from seeing them.  This time it will be different.  I'm determined.  This time, I will see them!

Beast by Nico Vega from the 2013 EP "Fury Oh Fury"

Nico Vega website

Nico Vega on facebook

Nico Vega on twitter